Automatically populate your digital CV with your research activities, showcase your collaborations and expertise with public profiles, and easily carry out assessment exercises and funding applications.
Automatically populate your digital CV with your research activities, showcase your collaborations and expertise with public profiles, and easily carry out assessment exercises and funding applications.
Academic Institutions
Collaborate with researchers and administrators to collate and curate the research data held in your institutional repositories, and prepare and report on it to comply with government and open access mandates.
Development Organizations
Connect multi-organization or consortia systems to provide a single source of truth, drive discoverability and visibility between institutions, and increase collaboration and innovation opportunities across your network.
Our flagship product, Elements, is a highly-configurable research management system which ingests data from multiple sources to build a truly comprehensive picture of your organisational data.
You can structure and connect scholarly information throughout the research lifecycle, reducing administrative burden, deriving powerful new insights, and showcasing the real-world impact of your research.
Designed to manage the full funding lifecycle: helping universities promote relevant funding opportunities, supporting researchers during the proposal development phase, streamlining internal reviews and approvals, and managing post-award activities and reporting.
The Ohio Department of Higher Education and six universities from across the State of Ohio launched the Ohio Innovation Exchange. This web-based portal provides a next-generation mechanism for increased collaboration between Ohio’s universities and industries.
A pathway to open research with richer research profiles. The Francis Crick Institute is using technology to empower its researchers to have richer research profiles and to make it easier for them to publish their papers and data Open Access.
The University of Michigan’s searchable database of research expertise, Michigan Research Experts, is a portal built on Digital Science technologies that showcases their research expertise and helps their research community foster collaboration on campus, and beyond.
At Symplectic, our solutions and services have been developed in close collaboration with our international client base for more than 18 years. Collectively, our team has decades of experience and specialist knowledge in the capture and management of scholarly information.
Our company and flagship platform, Elements, were originally created with one goal in mind: to avoid busy academics being asked to report on their activities and outputs multiple times, in multiple formats and multiple systems. Our approach is to place initial emphasis on the creation and sustainable maintenance of comprehensive and complete academic profiles. This is achieved through integrations with both internal and external sources of trustworthy data as well as incentives for academics to adopt and use the system regularly.